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Termini & Condizioni

The platform (the "Platform") is owned and managed by B2S Srl based in Via Santa Maria Valle, 5 20123 - Milan (Mi) VAT number 11326710966, registration in the Company Register no. 11326710966 ("B2S").


These general terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") identify the rules on the basis of which B2S provides access and allows users to use the functions of the Platform, including, but not limited to, allowing access to virtual showcases of third-party sellers ("Third-Party Companies") who promote their products to potential professional customers, in the context of B2B (business to business) relationships.

These Terms of Use together with the information on the protection of personal data ("Privacy Policy"), govern the use of the Platform by the user.

Before starting to use the Platform, the user is required to carefully read these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. If the user does not accept all the B2S rules, he is obliged not to register on the Platform and not to use it.

The registration and use of the Platform by the user implies full acceptance of these Terms of Use and having read the Privacy Policy.


B2S provides Third-Party Companies with a web page within the Platform, which is used by them as a virtual showcase ("Digital Showroom") for the promotion of their products and makes these Digital Showrooms accessible to professional users registered on the Platform ("Functionality" ).

B2S only makes available the Platform through which it is possible to access the Digital Showrooms of Third-Party Companies, without exercising any control over their content, the products promoted therein and the related information in any way entered or communicated by the Third Company.

B2S is not a party to the agreements, nor is it involved in any communication and / or negotiation between the Third Party Company that manages the Digital Showroom on the Platform and the party interested in the purchase, neither as an intermediary, nor as an agent or representative of the parties. The agreements and negotiations deriving from the presentations of products in the Digital Showrooms, including the possible purchase of products and the conclusion of the related sales contracts, do not take place in any way through, or on the Platform, and B2S is not in any way involved in the same. B2S and the Third-Party Companies act in full autonomy and independence.


In order to take advantage of the Features, users must register on the Platform by following the appropriate registration process. The registration and use of the Features, for users who do not act on behalf of Third Party Companies, are free and can only be carried out by persons acting within their professional activity.

The access credentials to the Platform may be generated by the Third Party Company inviting the user, or by B2S itself. In such cases, the user can change their credentials through the Platform, at the time of first access, or subsequently through the dedicated section on the Platform.

Third-Party Companies will access the Platform through their specifically designated users and administrators, using the credentials provided by B2S, on the basis of the contractual relationships between B2S and the Third-Party Companies. Users and administrators of Third-Party Companies, in accessing and using the Platform, are required to comply, as far as applicable by reason of their role, with these Terms of Use.

Once the registration is completed, users will be able to use the Features. By registering, users undertake, among other things, to:

  • do not create more than one account;

  • do not create accounts on behalf of third parties;

  • do not use false data to create an account;

  • do not create other accounts (even with another name) when your account has been disabled by B2S;

  • do not share your account and password with third parties or take any other action that could jeopardize the security of the account.

The registration data provided by users may be previously verified by B2S and registration may be denied, at the discretion of B2S, for any reason.

Registration on the Platform will be valid for the duration established by B2S for the use of the Features by the user.

Use of Features

The user can access the Platform to use the Features from time to time made available by B2S and to access the Digital Showrooms of Third-Party Companies present on B2S.

The user who has registered and / or accessed the Platform following the invitation of a Third Company will be able to access the Digital Showroom of the aforementioned Third Company on the Platform without further authorization and will be able to browse freely on the Platform, in compliance of the different levels of access, established by the other Third-Party Companies, corresponding to a progressive greater or lesser visibility of the products, requesting, if necessary, an authorization to access the Showroom which could also be granted instantly at their sole discretion.

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • B2S is not responsible for the activities carried out by Third-Party Companies on the Platform and for the products and contents offered in their Digital Showrooms;

  • the sale of the products displayed by the Third-Party Companies in the Digital Showrooms will take place through channels, physical or digital, other than the Platform and B2S will be completely unrelated to such transactions.

The user undertakes not to:

  • use the Features for illegal, deceptive purposes or, in any case, in violation of any applicable law and / or any third party right;

  • send messages through the Platform with offensive or illegal content or which in any case violate the rights of third parties;

  • undertake actions that may prevent, overload or compromise the correct functioning of the Platform;

  • try to obtain login information or access other users' accounts;

  • circumvent the measures adopted in order to prevent or limit access to the Platform or a Digital Showroom;

  • use any robot, spider, scraper or other automatic tool to access the Platform and collect content and information for any purpose without the prior written consent of B2S and / or Third Party Companies;

  • collect personal information of other users and process it in violation of the applicable regulations on the processing of personal data.

In particular, activities aimed at damaging, slowing down, interfering or making the use of the Platform more difficult for users are prohibited. The user may not adopt any conduct that leads to an excessive or unreasonable alteration of the structure of the Platform.

The user is obliged to comply with applicable laws and the rights of third parties. Therefore, it is forbidden to publish content or take any action on the Platform that does not respect applicable laws and the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights). Furthermore, it is forbidden to publish content:

  • not relevant to the purpose of the Platform;

  • inaccurate, untrue, false, inaccurate or out of date;

  • defamatory, obscene, abusive, intimidating, threatening, pornographic, with incitement to hatred or violence or with images that portray minors;

  • identity documents, telephone numbers, personal data or confidential information;

  • links to third party sites;

  • viruses or other malicious software.

Contents of the Platform

B2S will do its best to ensure that the contents of the Platform developed by B2S and / or third parties (the "Contents") are accurate, updated and complete and, however, does not guarantee, nor can it guarantee, the accuracy, updating and completeness of the same. Therefore, the user acknowledges and accepts that he cannot claim, nor place any reliance on the correctness, completeness and updating of the Contents.

Furthermore, B2S assumes no responsibility for the Content of Third Party Companies on the Platform or for any information provided by users on the Platform. In particular, the user acknowledges that B2S has no control or responsibility regarding the quality, safety, lawfulness of the products and information entered in the Digital Showrooms by Third-Party Companies.

Third-Party Companies are solely responsible for the information and products included in their Digital Showrooms, for any violations of applicable law and / or third party rights carried out through the information and content.  present  or provided on Digital Showrooms (including but not limited to  and not exhaustive, photographic reproductions of the products, explanatory captions and price lists).

B2S is not responsible in any way and does not provide any guarantee in relation to the compliance of the products and information on the Digital Showrooms with the applicable legislation and / or the permanence of the Digital Showrooms on the Site. B2S does not review the information, prices and products included by Third-Party Companies on Digital Showrooms.

B2S does not provide any guarantee and will not be in any way responsible for any improper use of the Features by the user and for any agreements concluded on the basis of the products promoted and the information present or in any way provided on the Digital Showrooms of the Third Companies and by users and / or for the impossibility of implementing them based on the laws of the state in which they are carried out or for any legal or economic prejudices for one or both parties deriving from such agreements. 

Through the "pre-order" function, it is possible to send to the Third Companies a pre-order proposal for products which will be subject to acceptance by the Third Company. The Third Company has no obligation to accept the order and may, at its sole discretion, refuse it. In the absence of a response from the Third Company, following a pre-order request, this request is to be considered refused.B2S will not be liable in any way for any acceptance or rejection of orders by the Third Company as well as for any damage, expenses, profit losses suffered by the user or by the Third Company, following the pre-order request. Any purchase and sale of products will be regulated exclusively through the contractual conditions that the user will agree with the Third-Party Companies or that will be made available by the Third-Party Companies and accepted by the users.

It is the sole responsibility of the user and of the Third-Party Companies to agree on adequate contractual measures for the sale and to keep the documentation relating to their conclusion and acceptance. B2S does not own any of the products promoted on the Platform by Third-Party Companies, does not transfer ownership of the products from Third-Party Companies to users and is unrelated to the sale that could be concluded between Third-Party Companies and users.

Platform availability and security  

B2S has no obligation to provide the Features and is not liable to you if the Platform is unavailable at any time or for any length of time.

B2S tries to keep the Platform safe and functioning adequately, but cannot guarantee the security of the Platform or the continuous operation or continuous access to the Features, which could be subject to delays beyond B2S's control.

Modification of the contents of the Platform

B2S may periodically update and modify the Platform, including the configuration, layout, Contents and Features, without prior notice.

Withdrawal and termination of the contract

The user can disable his account, and therefore withdraw from these Terms of Use, at any time, by asking B2S to cancel it by sending a request to the following e-mail address:

B2S may disable the account, and therefore withdraw from these Terms of Use, with a notice of 15 (fifteen) days. Furthermore, B2S may immediately disable the user's account, without prior notice, in the event that the user ceases his professional activity. The withdrawal and disabling of the account by B2S will be communicated to the user via email.

With reference to users who act on behalf of Third-Party Companies, this is without prejudice to the provisions of the contract between B2S and said Third-Party Companies.

B2S reserves the right to disable users' accounts, to limit or prohibit access to the Platform and / or the use of the Platform features and / or to delete the content or information that users post on the Platform and / or o or not to grant him registration in the future, at any time and without notice, if the user violates one of the following provisions of these Terms of Use: Registration; Use of Features; Intellectual Property Rights.

User Liability and B2S Limitation of Liability

The user is directly and exclusively responsible for all data and information provided through the Platform during registration and / or during the use of the Features as well as for all the activities carried out on the Platform.

B2S (including parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, administrators, agents and employees) will in no way be responsible, in any way, for actions or omissions of users of the Platform, for the information provided by users during registration, for information or data (including third parties) published by users on the Platform while using the Features as well as for economic losses, including loss of data, profits, earnings, activities, opportunities, goodwill or for damage to reputation or any other damage, right or indirect, suffered by users and / or third parties as a result of the use of the Features and / or the activities carried out by users on the Platform.

B2S (including parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, administrators, agents and employees) will not be liable in any way, in any way, in the event that the user suffers damage for having relied on correctness, completeness and updating of Contents.

B2S's liability cannot be limited or excluded in the event of willful misconduct, gross negligence, or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.

Indemnity and Indemnity

The user undertakes to indemnify and hold B2S harmless (including parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, administrators, agents and employees) from any claim of other users and / or third parties against B2S, which may derive from the violation of these Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights

Except as otherwise provided on the Platform, trademarks, logos and any distinctive signs, including the domain name, photographic reproductions, texts, drawings and images, graphics, lay-out and, more generally, all the contents present on and used in the Platform are the exclusive property and ownership of B2S or Third Party Companies. Their use by the user is expressly prohibited, in any way and for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the use, publication, copying and reproduction also on other websites, without prior notice. written authorization from B2S or from Third-Party Companies.

All Contents, such as, but not limited to, design, information, software programs, audio files, text, graphics, icons and images, present on the Platform are protected by B2S and / or third party copyright. Users are therefore expressly prohibited from modifying, distributing, transmitting, disclosing, publishing, marketing, licensing, copying or using the Contents at any time for commercial purposes or in any case for purposes other than the permitted use with B2S without the prior written consent of B2S.

You agree not to modify, create derivative works, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Platform, without the express written permission of B2S.

In any case, users have the right to freely dispose of their data and information or the data and information of the Third-Party Companies for which they act.


The user is required to read the Privacy Policy , which contains information on how B2S collects data and how it can use user information.

Major force

B2S will not be in any way responsible for the failure to display the Digital Showrooms or the interruption of the Features in case of force majeure. All unforeseeable events and all events which neither party is able to control are considered to be force majeure. These events include in particular strikes and lockouts, including in other companies, provisions by the competent authorities, the failure of networks and communication gateways and other operators and other malfunctions, even if these circumstances involve subcontractors and subcontractors. Users will not be able to make any claims against B2S in relation to platform failures for which B2S is not responsible.

Changes to the Terms of Use

B2S may update and modify these Terms of Use and the other rules of the Platform at any time by communicating the changes via email or by publishing the new version on the Platform. Unless otherwise specified, all new Terms of Use will be automatically effective after 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication. Subsequent use of the Platform and the Features by the user constitutes implicit acceptance of the changes.


The user accepts that B2S may transfer these Terms of Use (even in the case of the transfer of a company or business unit), validating this acceptance as prior consent to the transfer, provided that they are transferred to the same terms or to terms that are no less beneficial to the user.

Further forecasts

If a clause of these Terms of Use turns out to be null or ineffective, any nullity or ineffectiveness will not extend to the remaining contractual clauses.

The titles of the articles in these Terms of Use are for indicative purposes only and in no way limit or describe the meaning and content of the relevant article.

Failure by B2S to exercise its right does not represent a waiver of action against users for the violation of commitments undertaken by them.

Applicable law and competent court

These Terms of Use are governed and interpreted in accordance with Italian law.  Any dispute arising from the application of these Terms of Use will be devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Milan court.

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 1341 and 1342 cc, the user declares to have read and understood and expressly accepts the following provisions of these Terms of use: Purpose; Registration; Use of Features; Contents of the Platform; Modification of the Contents of the Platform; Withdrawal and termination of the contract; User Liability and B2S Limitation of Liability; Indemnity and Indemnity; Changes to the Terms of Use; Transfer; Applicable law and competent court.


These Terms of Use are current as of February 7, 2021

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data Controller and contact details

B2S Srl
based in Via Santa Tecla, 5
20122 - Milan (Mi)
VAT number 11326710966 ("Owner")

Types of data collected and origin

Among the categories of personal data collected by (the "Platform" "), independently or through third parties, there are: navigation data; company email, name; surname; company he works for, corporate role, telephone (private or corporate).

"User" means the person who accesses the Platform as an administrator or person in charge of a digital showroom owner or a person who accesses the Platform, independently or at the invitation of a digital showroom owner or the Owner, to use the functions offered therein.

Personal data may be freely provided by the User, or by the owner of the digital showroom (hereinafter, the "Digital Showroom") who invited the User or for which the User acts or, in the case of navigation data, can be collected automatically when using the Platform.

During the use of the Platform, the User's personal data may also be processed by the Digital Showrooms to which the User accesses using the functions offered by the Platform. These subjects process the data as  independent data controllers. For information regarding the processing of personal data  by Digital Showrooms and to exercise their rights towards them, Users can ask Digital Showrooms to provide the relevant information. For more information, the User can consult the section “Treatments in Digital Showrooms”.

The User assumes responsibility for the personal data of third parties obtained, published or shared through the Platform and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability deriving from such treatments.
The User who transmits the personal data of third parties to the Data Controller, also through the Platform, undertakes to make this information available to such third parties.

Recipients of personal data

The User's personal data may be accessible to subjects acting on behalf of the Data Controller duly authorized to process (for example, administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (such as third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, as data processors by the Data Controller.

Personal data may also be received from the Digital Showrooms to which the User accesses through the Platform. In this case, the Digital Showrooms will act as independent data controllers. For more information, the User can consult the “Treatments of Digital Showrooms” section below.

Legal basis of the processing and purpose

The data are processed by the Data Controller for the following purposes and on the basis of the indicated legal bases.

a) Based on the need to perform contractual or pre-contractual measures in order to:

-       allow access and registration to the Platform and use of the same;

-       manage the contractual relationship with the Digital Showrooms for which the User acts;

-       follow up on the User's requests.

b) On the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, specifically:

-       for the analysis and improvement of its services, the performance of statistical and / or research and development activities;

-       to ensure the security and confidentiality of its IT systems;

-       in order to defend their rights during the course of judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings, and in the context of disputes arising in relation to  offered services;

-       in the case of extraordinary transactions, mergers, sale of business units, acquisitions, etc .;

-       in accordance with art. 130 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, for sending newsletters by e-mail,  and communications of a commercial nature relating to products and services of the same type as those offered by the Platform and requested by Users who have logged in and registered with it, without prejudice to the possibility for the User to oppose such processing (exercise the 'opt-out) (i) by clicking the appropriate opt-out link at the bottom of each email or (ii) at any time, following the instructions provided in the "How to exercise your rights" section below.
The Data Controller will not process the personal data of Users to send commercial communications other than those indicated, without the prior consent of the same, and, in any case, not  will communicate or transfer Users' personal data to third parties for commercial or marketing purposes.


Whenever the  processing is based on legitimate interest,  the Owner adopts solid guarantees to ensure that Users' privacy is protected and that the User's interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not prevail over his legitimate interest.


The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point a) above, as necessary to offer the services of the Platform, is mandatory and the refusal to provide the personal data being processed makes it impossible to perform the requested services.

Transfers outside the European Union

If the owner transfers personal data outside the EU, the transfers will take place in compliance with the legislation on personal data in order to ensure an adequate level of protection.More information on the transfers and on the guarantees adopted can be obtained by sending a specific request using the contact details of the Data Controller indicated in this information.

Retention period

The User's personal data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected. At the end of the retention period, personal data will be deleted or anonymised, unless the law requires archiving obligations.

The retention period of the necessary data, in particular, is:

  • 10 years from the end of the relationship, for contractual purposes where there is a need to use them for litigation purposes.

  •   18 months from the registration of the data or from the last interaction of the User with the Platform  for the analysis and improvement of its services, the performance of statistical and / or research and development activities, except in the case in which the data has been anonymized.

  •   24 months from data registration  or  from the last User interaction with the Platform,  for marketing purposes or for sending newsletters on products and services similar to those requested by the Platform, without prejudice to the User's right to revoke the same or to oppose the processing.

At the end of these terms, the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to the portability of personal data can no longer be exercised.

The Data Controller will retain personal data after this time has elapsed only when required to comply with legal obligations or in the event of extraordinary claims and complaints that reasonably require the storage of personal data.

Rights of the User

Users can exercise certain rights with reference to the personal data processed by the Data Controller.

In particular, the User has the right to:

  • withdraw consent at any time. The User can revoke the consent to the processing of their personal data previously expressed.

  • oppose the processing of their personal data. The User can object to the processing when the personal data are processed  to pursue a legitimate interest of the Data Controller, for reasons connected with his particular situation, and when they are processed for direct marketing purposes, without giving any reasons.

  • access their personal data. The User has the right to obtain information on the personal data processed by the Data Controller, on certain aspects of the processing and to receive a copy of the personal data processed.

  • verify and request the rectification of their personal data. The User can verify the correctness of his / her data and request its updating or correction.

  • obtain the limitation of the treatment. When certain conditions are met, the User can request the limitation of the processing of their personal data. In this case, the Data Controller will not process the personal data for any other purpose other than their conservation, except with the consent of the User, or to ascertain, exercise and defend a judicial right or to protect rights. of third parties.

  • obtain the cancellation or removal of their personal data. When certain conditions are met, the User can request the cancellation of their personal data by the Owner.

  • receive their personal data or have them transferred to another owner. The User has the right to receive his personal data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and, where technically feasible, to obtain the transfer without obstacles to another owner. This right  it can be exercised when personal data are processed with automated tools and the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract to which the User is a party or on contractual measures connected to it.

  • propose a complaint. The User can lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority which, for Italy, is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise their rights towards the Owner, Users can send a request to the following email address:

With respect to the treatments put in place by the Digital Showrooms, the rights must be exercised directly against the latter. For more information, the User can consult the section “Treatments in digital showrooms” below.

Treatments of Digital Showrooms

Whenever the User accesses a section of the Platform dedicated to and managed by the Digital Showrooms, by invitation or on his own initiative, his personal data may be processed by the Digital Showrooms, as independent data controllers. The Owner is not involved in, nor is he responsible for, such treatments and declines any responsibility with respect to them.

Generally, the Digital Showrooms will process the User's data, on the basis of contractual and pre-contractual needs, to allow access to the dedicated section of the Platform, to present  their products and services and to follow up on the User's requests. For further information on treatments (including treatments for marketing purposes), the User is invited to contact the relevant Digital Showroom and request the privacy policy.

The Digital Showrooms will be able to communicate the User's personal data to subjects who act on their behalf and are authorized to process them. The User, within the limits of the provisions of the law, has the right to exercise his rights in relation to the owners of the Digital Showrooms pursuant to the privacy legislation.

To obtain complete information on the processing of personal data by Digital Showrooms, to exercise their rights towards them or to obtain a copy of the guarantees adopted in the event of data transfer and more information relating to the categories of recipients or on the times of conservation, the User is invited to contact the Digital Showrooms directly

In the event of a conflict between this section and the information provided by the Digital Showrooms, the User is invited to refer to the latter.

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